1. 違法伐採の定義は、当該国の法律や条令に反して行われる森林の伐採・木材の搬出であると理解する。
2. 全木連は、全世界の森林に対する森林生態系の維持に支障となる行為や持続的森林経営を阻害する行為等、森林の健全性を損なう恐れのある全ての不法行為に対し、強く反対する。
3. 全木連は、木材生産国が取組んでいる各種の違法伐採対策を支持し、その継続と実効性の確保に期待する。また、木材消費国がこれに積極的に協力することを求める。
4. 全木連は、傘下の木材業界に対し、明らかに違法に伐採され、又は不法に輸入された木材を取り扱わないよう勧告する。また、違法性が疑われる木材の取扱いについては慎重になるよう勧告する。
5. 全木連は、適法性を証明するための制度の導入、監視システムの設立等に関する木材生産国、消費国双方の関係機関の努力を全面的に支持し、必要な措置が早急に講じられることを期待する。その結果有効な制度が確立したならばこれを尊重する。
6. 全木連は、持続的森林経営の実現に向け、違法伐採対策をはじめとする森林の健全性を確保するための国際機関及び各国の努力に敬意を表するとともに、我が国政府のこの問題解決に対する国際協力を全面的に支持し、今後一層の充実を期待する。
会長 久我一郎
Declaration on Illegal Logging
The Japan Federation of Wood-Industry Associations
(hereinafter “JFW”) is the sole organization representing Japan’s
timber, lumber and wood-processing industries. JFW aims to elevate
the standards and awareness of its members and contribute to the
sound development of wood-related industries. We are thus in a position
to provide guidance to industry in matters relating to the stable
and long-term production, processing and supply of wood, which is
an important resource in the daily lives of the people of this country.
JFW recognizes that forests fulfill important functions,
including not only conserving the global environment and maintaining
biological diversity, but also providing a sustainable supply of
forest resources. Based on this recognition, our basic stance toward
forests is that efforts are needed not only in Japan but around
the world, to enable forests to manifest these multiple functions
to the greatest extent possible, in a sustainable way. We also recognize
that wood industries play an important role in the local economies
of regions that have forest resources, and that for sound economic
development, long-term, stable supplies of high-quality wood are
Illegal logging is currently a problem around the
world, however. It not only causes serious damage to forest environments,
but also threatens the sustainable management of forests. Japan
relies on imported wood to meet most of its wood demand, and illegal
logging threatens to create a negative perception for wood and wood
industries, which may hinder the use of wood.
To ensure stable wood supplies and the sound development
of Japan’s wood industries, JFW therefore takes the following positions
regarding the issue of illegal logging.
1. We define illegal logging as the logging of forests
and transport of wood in contravention of the laws and regulations
of the country concerned.
2. JFW strongly opposes all illegal activities that
threaten the soundness of forests anywhere in the world, including
activities that impede the maintenance of forest ecosystems and
activities that impede sustainable forest management.
3. JFW encourages a variety of measures by wood-producing
countries to deal with illegal logging. It expect them to continue
those efforts and work to ensure their effectiveness. JFW also calls
upon wood-consuming countries to actively support those measures.
4. JFW urges its members not to handle wood that has
clearly been illegally logged or illegally imported. JFW also urges
its members to exercise caution if there is any suspicion of the
wood’s legality.
5. JFW fully supports efforts by organizations in
both wood-producing and wood-consuming countries to introduce a
framework to verify legal compliance and a monitoring system, etc.,
and looks forward to the establishment of the necessary measures
and instruments at the earliest possible time. If an effective system
is established as a result, we will respect that system.
6. JFW expresses its respect for the efforts of countries
and international organizations to ensure the health of forests,
with the aim of achieving sustainable forest management, including
measures to address the problem of illegal logging. We support international
cooperation of the government of Japan to solve this problem, and
to expect further efforts in the future. In addition, we believe
that for the implementation of measures, the cooperation of non-governmental
and other organizations, including JFW, in Japan and other countries
is essential.
November 20 2002
Ichiro Kuga, President
Japan Federation of Wood-Industry Associations