Timber Trade Liberalization: Perspectives
from Japanのご紹介
(社)全国木材組合連合会は、国際環境NGO FoE Japan( http://www.foejapan.org/)、林産物WTO対策全国協議会、AMネット( http://www1m.mesh.ne.jp/~apec-ngo/) と共同で日本の木材輸入と国内林業の現状を英語で紹介したパンフレット(解説シート) “Timber
Trade Liberalization: Perspective from Japan” を作成しましたのでご紹介します。このパンフレットは3枚のシートで1セットになっており、各面にひとつのテーマ(計6テーマ)について英語で紹介したものです。
Japan: No.1 Net Timber Importer
The concerns of timber importing countries deserve a fair hearing in
WTO rule-making.
Japan’s Timber Imports and Consumption
Certification and labelling are important ? to indicate how and where
the timber was produced, and to help reduce illegal logging and trade.
Japanese Forest Resources
Environmental safeguards are needed where underpriced imports will affect
domestic forests.
Japanese Forestry in Crisis
Forestry-based communities are at risk from expanded trade liberalization
and need some from of protection.
Multiple Functions of Forests
WTO versus MEAs?
Forest sinks and the Kyoto Protocol deserve high priority.
Japan, Paper and Forests
Rules needed: Woodchips and pulp should come only from sustainably-managed
(社)全国木材組合連合会 総務部 加藤( kato@zenmoku.jp )