新潟大学農学部教授 荒谷明日兒
Addressing the Illegal Logging Issue
Dr. Akihiko Araya
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata Univ.
The 21st century is said to be an era of global environment. However,
the era of global environment has already started in 1990s.
A thinking framework for environmental issues related to forests
started to change drastically in 1990s. By nature, decreasing forests
cause not only decreasing timber resources but also devastating
lives of local communities, disasters in catchments, erosion of
soil fertility, drying, acid rain, destruction of ecosystem, unusual
weather, global warming and other environmental problems.
The impact of decreasing forests on the global environment was
mentioned in "The Limits to Growth" (1978), a report from
The Rome Club and "The Earth in the year of 2000(1980), a report
from a special study done by the US government as well as a concept
of "sustainable development" advocated by the World Committee
on Environment and Development.
However, international communities failed to take any proactive
measures and rationale for environment was overwhelmed by rational
for economy in timber producing countries. As a result, forests
shrank substantially on a global scale.
Nevertheless, situations changed dramatically in the beginning
of 1990s. With a demise of the Cold War structure after the Second
World War from late 1980s to early 1990s, it was recognized that
not traditional military power but conservation of global environment
would support global security.
The Earth Summit, the UN Conference on Environment and Development,
held in 1992, served as a trigger for the change. Here, the environmental
problems were recognized as issues for the entire earth beyond national
borders and actions were initiated to combat global warming and
other issues.
Furthermore, at the Earth Summit, the importance of forests and
sustainable forest management in order to sustain the global environment
in the future was confirmed in "Rio Declaration", "Non-Legally
Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Grobal Concensus
on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All
Types of Forests" and "Agenda 21".
Sustainable forest management defined here covers not only timber
production but also water resources, foods, medicines, fuels, housing,
employment, leisure, habitat for wildlife, diversity of landscape,
carbon sink and storage and other natural life and services of forests.
What is emphasized is the necessity of conservation and sustainable
utilization of forests by defining principles for forest management,
conservation and sustainable development with recognition of sovereign
authority and rights to develop and utilize forests in the forests
owner nations.
At present, illegal logging and illegal export of timbers is at
issue in various countries including Brazil, Indonesia and Russia.
Such illegal logging and illegal export issue is not new. In the
past, illegal logging and illegal export was a problem from the
viewpoint of financial aspect of the respective country.
And other countries believed that this issue should be resolved
by the country that has the issue in its borders, respecting sovereign
authority of the nation.
Today we all should consider global environmental issues and the
situation has changed greatly. In the so-called "Statement
of Principles for Forests", sovereign authority and rights
to develop and utilize forests in forest owner nations are recognized
but now other countries, in particular, importing nations, should
cooperate in addressing the issue.
Not only importing countries but all people who actually deal
and use timbers, including companies and consumers, should think
what should be done and what can be done. Whether we can take a
step from here or not will make a difference in the lives of our